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Joyce RL, Tibbs GR, J Warren D, Costa CJ, Aromolaran K, R Sanford L, Andersen OS, Li Z, Zhang G, Willis DE et al..  2023.  Probucol is anti-hyperalgesic in a mouse peripheral nerve injury model of neuropathic pain.. Neurobiol Pain. 14:100141.
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Johnson MA, Contoreggi NH, Kogan JF, Bryson M, Rubin BR, Gray JD, Kreek MJeanne, McEwen BS, Milner TA.  2021.  Chronic stress differentially alters mRNA expression of opioid peptides and receptors in the dorsal hippocampus of female and male rats.. J Comp Neurol.
Johnson KW, Herold KF, Milner TA, Hemmings HC, Platholi J.  2017.  Sodium channel subtypes are differentially localized to pre- and post-synaptic sites in rat hippocampus.. J Comp Neurol. 525(16):3563-3578.
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Jaywant A, Blunt E, Jamison K, Kim N, RoyChoudhury A, Schiff ND, Kuceyeski A, Dams-O'Connor K, Shah S.  2023.  Association Between the Attention Network Test, Neuropsychological Measures, and Disability in Post-Acute Traumatic Brain Injury.. Neurotrauma Rep. 4(1):318-329.
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Jackson KL, Dayton RD, Orchard EA, Ju S, Ringe D, Petsko GA, Maquat LE, Klein RL.  2015.  Preservation of forelimb function by UPF1 gene therapy in a rat model of TDP-43-induced motor paralysis.. Gene Ther. 22(1):20-8.