Neuroscience Graduate Program: The Brain and Mind Research Institute is home to the Graduate Program in Neuroscience of the Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Science, WCMC. The BMRI also supports the development of Neurology residents who want to pursue a career in academic neurology. Neuroscience Graduate Program
Tri-Institional MD/PhD Program: The BMRI also participates in the Tri-Institutional MD-PhD program. Students in this program complete one (typically 3-month) rotation in the laboratory of a faculty member before engaging a multi-year research study that leads to the award of PhD. Following doctoral training, the student returns to WCMC to complete their medical training. Tri-Institutional MD/PhD Program
Medical Student Education: The new curriculum contemplates areas of concentration for medical students. The BMRI offers the following areas of concentration:
- Addiction
- Neurovascular biology and stroke
- Neurodegenerative diseases
- Behavioral neurogenetics and neurodevelopment
- Neuroimmunology
- System neurology
Research Residency: The BMRI supports the development of neurology residents who would like to pursue a career in academic neurology. Research Residency
Leon Levy Fellowship: The BMRI provides up to three fellowships per year, funded by a grant of the Leon Levy Foundation, to help early career investigators start their research and obtain extramural funding. Leon Levy Fellowship Program