
Found 799 results
Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Journal Article
Leonardi I, Gao IH, Lin W-Y, Allen M, Li XV, Fiers WD, De Celie MBialt, Putzel GG, Yantiss RK, Johncilla M et al..  2022.  Mucosal fungi promote gut barrier function and social behavior via Type 17 immunity.. Cell.
AlShail E, Alahmari ANasser, Dababo AAM, Alsagob M, Al-Hindi H, Khalil H, Masseri ZAl, AlSalamah R, Almohseny E, Alduhaish A et al..  2023.  A molecular study of pediatric pilomyxoid and pilocytic astrocytomas: Genome-wide copy number screening, retrospective analysis of clinicopathological features and long-term clinical outcome.. Front Oncol. 13:1034292.
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Galkin A, Moncada S.  2017.  Modulation of the conformational state of mitochondrial complex I as a target for therapeutic intervention.. Interface Focus. 7(2):20160104.
Pineda A, Burré J.  2017.  Modulating membrane binding of α-synuclein as a therapeutic strategy.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 114(6):1223-1225.
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Liberman AL, Gialdini G, Bakradze E, Chatterjee A, Kamel H, Merkler AE.  2018.  Misdiagnosis of Cerebral Vein Thrombosis in the Emergency Department.. Stroke.
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