
Academic Year 2017

Jordi Magrane (PI)

The Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA)
Functional analysis of primary sensory neurons and (proprio) sensory pathology
in Friedreich’s ataxia

Virginia Pickel (PI)
NIH grant R01DA042943
Aberrant prefrontal cortical plasticity and neurobehavioral consequences of adolescent marijuana

Thu Huynh (PI)

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Scientists Track Restoration of Communication in Minimally Conscious Patient

two people doing therapy

Mother and child: Nancy Worthen doing art therapy with her daughter, Maggie, who was minimally conscious following a blood clot. Photo credit: Nancy Worthen

A severely brain injured woman, who recovered the ability to communicate using her left eye, restored connections and function of the areas of her brain responsible for producing expressive language and responding to human speech, according to new research from Weill Cornell Medicine scientists.


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Neuroimaging Categorizes Four Depression Subtypes

Dr. Conor

Dr. Conor Liston MD '08. Photo credit: Carlos Rene Perez

Patients with depression can be categorized into four unique subtypes defined by distinct patterns of abnormal connectivity in the brain, according to new research from Weill Cornell Medicine.

In a collaborative study published Dec. 5 in Nature Medicine,...

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Drs. Josef Anrather, Corinne Benakis, and David Brea discover that GI tract bacteria can help reduce stroke severity.

Commensal microbiota affects ischemic stroke outcome by regulating...

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Dr. Conor Liston receives the IMHRO / Janssen Rising Star Translational Research Award

“Circuit Biomarkers for Diagnosing and Treating Neurophysiological Subtypes of Depression”


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Academic Year 2016

Margaret Elizabeth Ross (PI)
NIH/NICHD 2P01HD067244-06
Risk Genes and Environmental Interactions in Neural Tube Defects

Costantino Iadecola  (PI)
NIH/NINDS 1R01NS100447-01
ApoE4 and mechanisms of diffuse white matter injury 

Daniel J Thengone (PI)
NIH/NEI F31EY025535
Neuronal interactions during sensory adaptation 

Manu Sharma (PI)

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Awards, News, & Multimedia


    •    Dr. Makoto Ishii received the prestigious Beeson Career Development Award : Pathobiology of Hypothalamic and Metabolic Dysfunction in Normal Aging and Alzheimer's Disease
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Academic Year 2015

Manu Sharma (PI)
Alzheimer's Association
Tau Proteostasis by Cysteine String Protein-alpha (CSP-alpha)

Jonathan Victor (PI)
NIH R01EY007977 (competitive renewal)
Central Processing of Visual Information

Jacqueline Burre (PI)
American Parkinson's Disease Association
Aging increases the aggregation-prone cytosolic pool of alpha-synuclein


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Weill Cornell Medicine Feil Family Brain & Mind Research Institute 407 E 61st St New York, NY 10065 Phone: (646) 962-8277 Fax: (646) 962-0535