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Notaras M, van den Buuse M.  2018.  Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF): Novel Insights into Regulation and Genetic Variation.. Neuroscientist. :1073858418810142.
Schiff ND, Diringer M, Diserens K, Edlow BL, Gosseries O, N Hill J, Hochberg LR, Ismail FY, Meyer IA, Mikell CB et al..  2024.  Brain-Computer Interfaces for Communication in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness: A Gap Analysis and Scientific Roadmap.. Neurocrit Care.
Faraco G, Park L, Anrather J, Iadecola C.  2017.  Brain perivascular macrophages: characterization and functional roles in health and disease.. J Mol Med (Berl). 95(11):1143-1152.
Schiff ND, Fins JJ.  2016.  Brain death and disorders of consciousness.. Curr Biol. 26(13):R572-6.
Garcia-Bonilla L, Shahanoor Z, Sciortino R, Nazarzoda O, Racchumi G, Iadecola C, Anrather J.  2023.  Brain and blood single-cell transcriptomics in acute and subacute phases after experimental stroke.. bioRxiv.
Uekawa K, Hattori Y, Ahn SJi, Seo J, Casey N, Anfray A, Zhou P, Luo W, Anrather J, Park L et al..  2023.  Border-associated macrophages promote cerebral amyloid angiopathy and cognitive impairment through vascular oxidative stress.. Mol Neurodegener. 18(1):73.
Mazzucco MR, Vartanain T, Linden JR.  2020.  Blood-brain Barrier Permeability Assays Using Epsilon Toxin.. Bio Protoc. 10(15):e3709.
Glodzik L, Santisteban MM.  2021.  Blood-Brain Barrier Crossing Renin-Angiotensin System Drugs: Considerations for Dementia and Cognitive Decline.. Hypertension. 78(3):644-646.
Iadecola C, Parikh NS.  2020.  Blood Pressure Ups and Downs Foreshadow Cerebral Microangiopathy.. J Am Coll Cardiol. 75(19):2400-2402.
Telesford KM, Kaunzner UW, Perumal J, Gauthier SA, Wu X, Díaz I, Kruse-Hoyer M, Engel C, Marcille M, Vartanian T.  2020.  Black African and Latino/a identity correlates with increased plasmablasts in MS.. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 7(1)
P Ozdinler H, Gautam M, Gozutok O, Konrad C, Manfredi G, Gomez EArea, Mitsumoto H, Erb ML, Tian Z, Haase G.  2020.  Better understanding the neurobiology of primary lateral sclerosis.. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener. 21(sup1):35-46.
Krusche P, Trigg L, Boutros PC, Mason CE, De La Vega FM, Moore BL, Gonzalez-Porta M, Eberle MA, Tezak Z, Lababidi S et al..  2019.  Best practices for benchmarking germline small-variant calls in human genomes.. Nat Biotechnol.
Bodien YG, Katz D, Schiff N, Giacino JT.  2022.  Behavioral Assessment of Patients with Disorders of Consciousness.. Semin Neurol.
Bodien YG, Katz DI, Schiff ND, Giacino JT.  2022.  Behavioral Assessment of Patients with Disorders of Consciousness.. Semin Neurol. 42(3):249-258.
Giza JI, Kim J, Meyer HC, Anastasia A, Dincheva I, Zheng CI, Lopez K, Bains H, Yang J, Bracken C et al..  2018.  The BDNF Val66Met Prodomain Disassembles Dendritic Spines Altering Fear Extinction Circuitry and Behavior.. Neuron. 99(1):163-178.e6.
Notaras M, Du X, Gogos J, van den Buuse M, Hill RA.  2017.  The BDNF Val66Met polymorphism regulates glucocorticoid-induced corticohippocampal remodeling and behavioral despair.. Transl Psychiatry. 7(9):e1233.
Kuceyeski A, Monohan E, Morris E, Fujimoto K, Vargas W, Gauthier SA.  2018.  Baseline biomarkers of connectome disruption and atrophy predict future processing speed in early multiple sclerosis.. Neuroimage Clin. 19:417-424.