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Journal Article
Schiff ND.  2017.  Uncovering hidden integrative cerebral function in the intensive care unit.. Brain. 140(9):2259-2262.
Sanz LRD, Lejeune N, Blandiaux S, Bonin E, Thibaut A, Stender J, Farber NM, Zafonte RD, Schiff ND, Laureys S et al..  2019.  Treating Disorders of Consciousness With Apomorphine: Protocol for a Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial Using Multimodal Assessments.. Front Neurol. 10:248.
Schiff ND.  2024.  Toward an interventional science of recovery after coma.. Neuron. 112(10):1595-1610.
Schiff ND, Giacino JT, Butson CR, Choi EYoung, Baker JL, O'Sullivan KP, Janson AP, Bergin M, Bronte-Stewart HM, Chua J et al..  2023.  Thalamic deep brain stimulation in traumatic brain injury: a phase 1, randomized feasibility study.. Nat Med.
Fins JJ, Wright MS, Shulman KS, Henderson JM, Schiff ND.  2023.  Subject and Family Perspectives from the Central Thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation Trial for Traumatic Brain Injury: Part II.. Camb Q Healthc Ethics. :1-24.
Sekar K, Schiff ND, Labar D, Forgacs PB.  2018.  Spectral Content of Electroencephalographic Burst-Suppression Patterns May Reflect Neuronal Recovery in Comatose Post-cardiac Arrest Patients.. J Clin Neurophysiol.
Baker JL, Ryou J-W, Wei XF, Butson CR, Schiff ND, Purpura KP.  2016.  Robust modulation of arousal regulation, performance, and frontostriatal activity through central thalamic deep brain stimulation in healthy nonhuman primates.. J Neurophysiol. 116(5):2383-2404.
Schiff ND.  2018.  Resolving the role of the paramedian thalamus in forebrain arousal mechanisms.. Ann Neurol.
Edlow BL, Claassen J, Schiff ND, Greer DM.  2020.  Recovery from disorders of consciousness: mechanisms, prognosis and emerging therapies.. Nat Rev Neurol.
Waldrop G, Safavynia SA, Barra ME, Agarwal S, Berlin DA, Boehme AK, Brodie D, Choi JM, Doyle K, Fins JJ et al..  2022.  Prolonged unconsciousness is common in COVID-19 and associated with hypoxemia.. Ann Neurol.
Wong JK, Deuschl G, Wolke R, Bergman H, Muthuraman M, Groppa S, Sheth SA, Bronte-Stewart HM, Wilkins KB, Petrucci MN et al..  2022.  Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: Advances in Cutting Edge Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Neuromodulation, Neuroethics, Pain, Interventional Psychiatry, Epilepsy, and Traumatic Brain Injury.. Front Hum Neurosci. 16:813387.
Claassen J, Akbari Y, Alexander S, Bader MKay, Bell K, Bleck TP, Boly M, Brown J, Chou SH-Y, Diringer MN et al..  2021.  Proceedings of the First Curing Coma Campaign NIH Symposium: Challenging the Future of Research for Coma and Disorders of Consciousness.. Neurocrit Care. 35(Suppl 1):4-23.
Fridman EA, Osborne JR, Mozley PD, Victor JD, Schiff ND.  2019.  Presynaptic dopamine deficit in minimally conscious state patients following traumatic brain injury.. Brain. 142(7):1887-1893.
Fridman EA, Schiff ND.  2021.  Organizing a Rational Approach to Treatments of Disorders of Consciousness Using the Anterior Forebrain Mesocircuit Model.. J Clin Neurophysiol.
Michel M, Beck D, Block N, Blumenfeld H, Brown R, Carmel D, Carrasco M, Chirimuuta M, Chun M, Cleeremans A et al..  2019.  Opportunities and challenges for a maturing science of consciousness.. Nat Hum Behav. 3(2):104-107.
Calderon DP, Schiff ND.  2020.  Objective and graded calibration of recovery of consciousness in experimental models.. Curr Opin Neurol.
Schiff ND.  2022.  Mesocircuit mechanisms in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of consciousness.. Presse Med. 52(2):104161.
Thengone DJ, Voss HU, Fridman EA, Schiff ND.  2016.  Local changes in network structure contribute to late communication recovery after severe brain injury.. Sci Transl Med. 8(368):368re5.
Adams ZM, Forgacs PB, Conte MM, Nauvel TJ, Drover JD, Schiff ND.  2016.  Late and progressive alterations of sleep dynamics following central thalamic deep brain stimulation (CT-DBS) in chronic minimally conscious state.. Clin Neurophysiol. 127(9):3086-3092.
Forgacs PB, Fridman EA, Goldfine AM, Schiff ND.  2016.  Isolation Syndrome after Cardiac Arrest and Therapeutic Hypothermia.. Front Neurosci. 10:259.
Pincherle A, Jöhr J, Pancini L, Leocani L, Vecchia LDalla, Ryvlin P, Schiff ND, Diserens K.  2020.  Intensive Care Admission and Early Neuro-Rehabilitation. Lessons for COVID-19? Front Neurol. 11:880.
Forgacs PB, Devinsky O, Schiff ND.  2020.  Independent Functional Outcomes after Prolonged Coma following Cardiac Arrest: A Mechanistic Hypothesis.. Ann Neurol.
Fins JJ, Wright MS, Giacino JT, Henderson J, Schiff ND.  2021.  In Pursuit of Agency Ex Machina: Expanding the Map in Severe Brain Injury.. AJOB Neurosci. 12(2-3):200-202.
Nemirovsky IE, Popiel NJM, Rudas J, Caius M, Naci L, Schiff ND, Owen AM, Soddu A.  2023.  An implementation of integrated information theory in resting-state fMRI.. Commun Biol. 6(1):692.
Diserens K, Meyer IAlexis, Jöhr J, Pincherle A, Dunet V, Pozeg P, Ryvlin P, Muresanu DFior, Stevens RDavid, Schiff ND.  2023.  A Focus on Subtle Signs and Motor Behavior to Unveil Awareness in Unresponsive Brain-Impaired Patients: The Importance of Being Clinical.. Neurology.