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Maduro V, Pusey BN, Cherukuri PF, Atkins P, Souich Cdu, Rupps R, Limbos M, Adams DR, Bhatt SS, Eydoux P et al..  2016.  Complex translocation disrupting TCF4 and altering TCF4 isoform expression segregates as mild autosomal dominant intellectual disability.. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 11(1):62.
Li S, Garrett-Bakelman FE, Chung SS, Sanders MA, Hricik T, Rapaport F, Patel J, Dillon R, Vijay P, Brown AL et al..  2016.  Distinct evolution and dynamics of epigenetic and genetic heterogeneity in acute myeloid leukemia.. Nat Med. 22(7):792-9.
Lichinchi G, Gao S, Saletore Y, Gonzalez GMichelle, Bansal V, Wang Y, Mason CE, Rana TM.  2016.  Dynamics of the human and viral m(6)A RNA methylomes during HIV-1 infection of T cells.. Nat Microbiol. 1:16011.
Zook JM, Catoe D, McDaniel J, Vang L, Spies N, Sidow A, Weng Z, Liu Y, Mason CE, Alexander N et al..  2016.  Extensive sequencing of seven human genomes to characterize benchmark reference materials.. Sci Data. 3:160025.
Rosenfeld JA, Reeves D, Brugler MR, Narechania A, Simon S, Durrett R, Foox J, Shianna K, Schatz MC, Gandara J et al..  2016.  Genome assembly and geospatial phylogenomics of the bed bug Cimex lectularius.. Nat Commun. 7:10164.
Afshinnekoo E, Ahsanuddin S, Mason CE.  2016.  Globalizing and crowdsourcing biomedical research.. Br Med Bull. 120(1):27-33.
Yao Y, Norris EH, Mason CE, Strickland S.  2016.  Laminin regulates PDGFRβ(+) cell stemness and muscle development.. Nat Commun. 7:11415.
McIntyre ABR, Rizzardi L, Yu AM, Alexander N, Rosen GL, Botkin DJ, Stahl SE, John KK, Castro-Wallace SL, McGrath K et al..  2016.  Nanopore sequencing in microgravity.. NPJ Microgravity. 2:16035.
Shamarina D, Stoyantcheva I, Mason CE, Bibby K, Elhaik E.  2017.  Communicating the promise, risks, and ethics of large-scale, open space microbiome and metagenome research.. Microbiome. 5(1):132.
McIntyre ABR, Ounit R, Afshinnekoo E, Prill RJ, Hénaff E, Alexander N, Minot SS, Danko D, Foox J, Ahsanuddin S et al..  2017.  Comprehensive benchmarking and ensemble approaches for metagenomic classifiers.. Genome Biol. 18(1):182.
Backlund PS, Urbanski HF, Doll MA, Hein DW, Bozinoski M, Mason CE, Coon SL, Klein DC.  2017.  Daily Rhythm in Plasma N-acetyltryptamine.. J Biol Rhythms. 32(3):195-211.
M Ross E, Mason CE, Finnell RH.  2017.  Genomic approaches to the assessment of human spina bifida risk.. Birth Defects Res. 109(2):120-128.
Tessler M, Neumann JS, Afshinnekoo E, Pineda M, Hersch R, Velho LFelipe M, Segovia BT, Lansac-Toha FA, Lemke M, DeSalle R et al..  2017.  Large-scale differences in microbial biodiversity discovery between 16S amplicon and shotgun sequencing.. Sci Rep. 7(1):6589.
O'Hara NB, Reed HJ, Afshinnekoo E, Harvin D, Caplan N, Rosen G, Frye B, Woloszynek S, Ounit R, Levy S et al..  2017.  Metagenomic characterization of ambulances across the USA.. Microbiome. 5(1):125.
Vu LP, Pickering BF, Cheng Y, Zaccara S, Nguyen D, Minuesa G, Chou T, Chow A, Saletore Y, MacKay M et al..  2017.  The N6-methyladenosine (m6A)-forming enzyme METTL3 controls myeloid differentiation of normal hematopoietic and leukemia cells.. Nat Med. 23(11):1369-1376.
Castro-Wallace SL, Chiu CY, John KK, Stahl SE, Rubins KH, McIntyre ABR, Dworkin JP, Lupisella ML, Smith DJ, Botkin DJ et al..  2017.  Nanopore DNA Sequencing and Genome Assembly on the International Space Station.. Sci Rep. 7(1):18022.
Jain D, Meydan C, Lange J, Bouuaert CClaeys, Lailler N, Mason CE, Anderson KV, Keeney S.  2017.  rahu is a mutant allele of Dnmt3c, encoding a DNA methyltransferase homolog required for meiosis and transposon repression in the mouse male germline.. PLoS Genet. 13(8):e1006964.