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Finn C, Giambrone AE, Gialdini G, Delgado D, Baradaran H, Kamel H, Gupta A.  2017.  The Association between Carotid Artery Atherosclerosis and Silent Brain Infarction: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 26(7):1594-1601.
Baradaran H, Al-Dasuqi K, Knight-Greenfield A, Giambrone A, Delgado D, Ebani EJ, Kamel H, Gupta A.  2017.  Association between Carotid Plaque Features on CTA and Cerebrovascular Ischemia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 38(12):2321-2326.
Parikh NS, Navi BB, Schneider Y, Jesudian A, Kamel H.  2017.  Association Between Cirrhosis and Stroke in a Nationally Representative Cohort.. JAMA Neurol. 74(8):927-932.
Parikh NS, Zhang C, Bruce SS, Murthy SB, Rosenblatt R, Liberman AL, Liao V, Kaiser JH, Navi BB, Iadecola C et al..  2024.  Association between elevated fibrosis-4 index of liver fibrosis and risk of hemorrhagic stroke.. Eur Stroke J. :23969873241259561.
Merkler AE, Chen ML, Parikh NS, Murthy SB, Yaghi S, Goyal P, Okin PM, Karas MG, Navi BB, Iadecola C et al..  2019.  Association Between Heart Transplantation and Subsequent Risk of Stroke Among Patients With Heart Failure.. Stroke. 50(3):583-587.
Harris W, Kaiser JH, Liao V, Avadhani R, Iadecola C, Falcone GJ, Sheth KN, Qureshi AI, Goldstein JN, Awad IA et al..  2024.  Association Between Hematoma Volume and Risk of Subsequent Ischemic Stroke: A MISTIE III and ATACH-2 Analysis.. Stroke. 55(3):541-547.
Baradaran H, Patel P, Gialdini G, Giambrone A, Lerario MP, Navi BB, Min JK, Iadecola C, Kamel H, Gupta A.  2017.  Association between Intracranial Atherosclerotic Calcium Burden and Angiographic Luminal Stenosis Measurements.. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 38(9):1723-1729.
Parikh NS, Kumar S, Rosenblatt R, Zhao C, Cohen DE, Iadecola C, Kamel H.  2020.  Association between Liver Fibrosis and Cognition in a Nationally Representative Sample of Older Adults.. Eur J Neurol.
Parikh NS, Kamel H, Zhang C, Kumar S, Rosenblatt R, Spincemaille P, Gupta A, Cohen DE, de Leon MJ, Gottesman RF et al..  2022.  Association between liver fibrosis and incident dementia in the UK Biobank study.. Eur J Neurol.
Lee H, Lee K, Kim YDae, Nam HSuk, Lee HSun, Cho S, Heo JHoe.  2023.  Association between substantia nigra degeneration and functional outcome in patients with basal ganglia infarction.. Eur J Neurol.
Jaywant A, Blunt E, Jamison K, Kim N, RoyChoudhury A, Schiff ND, Kuceyeski A, Dams-O'Connor K, Shah S.  2023.  Association Between the Attention Network Test, Neuropsychological Measures, and Disability in Post-Acute Traumatic Brain Injury.. Neurotrauma Rep. 4(1):318-329.
Merkler AE, Gialdini G, Murthy SB, Omran SSalehi, Moya A, Lerario MP, Chong J, Okin PM, Weinsaft JW, Safford MM et al..  2017.  Association Between Troponin Levels and Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source.. J Am Heart Assoc. 6(9)
Merkler AE, Sigurdsson S, Eiriksdottir G, Safford MM, Phillips CL, Iadecola C, Gudnason V, Weinsaft JW, Kamel H, Arai AE et al..  2019.  Association Between Unrecognized Myocardial Infarction and Cerebral Infarction on Magnetic Resonance Imaging.. JAMA Neurol.
Chen MLin, Gupta A, Chatterjee A, Khazanova D, Dou E, Patel H, Gialdini G, Merkler AE, Navi BB, Kamel H.  2018.  Association Between Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms and Downstream Stroke.. Stroke. 49(9):2029-2033.
Parikh NS, Kamel H, Zhang C, Gupta A, Cohen DE, de Leon MJ, Gottesman RF, Iadecola C.  2022.  Association of liver fibrosis with cognitive test performance and brain imaging parameters in the UK Biobank study.. Alzheimers Dement.
Allen BB, Forgacs PB, Fakhar MA, Wu X, Gerber LM, Boddu S, Murthy SB, Stieg PE, Mangat HS.  2018.  Association of Seizure Occurrence with Aneurysm Treatment Modality in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Patients.. Neurocrit Care.
Kummer BR, Díaz I, Wu X, Aaroe AE, Chen ML, Iadecola C, Kamel H, Navi BB.  2019.  Associations between cerebrovascular risk factors and parkinson disease.. Ann Neurol. 86(4):572-581.
Barnett D, Bohmbach K, Grelot V, Charlet A, Dallérac G, Ju YHa, Nagai J, Orr AG.  2023.  Astrocytes as Drivers and Disruptors of Behavior: New Advances in Basic Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targeting.. J Neurosci. 43(45):7463-7471.
Allen M, Huang BS, Notaras MJ, Lodhi A, Barrio-Alonso E, Lituma PJ, Wolujewicz P, Witztum J, Longo F, Chen M et al..  2022.  Astrocytes derived from ASD individuals alter behavior and destabilize neuronal activity through aberrant Ca2+ signaling.. Mol Psychiatry.
Kamel H, Longstreth WT, Tirschwell DL, Kronmal RA, Broderick JP, Palesch YY, Meinzer C, Dillon C, Ewing I, Spilker JA et al..  2018.  The AtRial Cardiopathy and Antithrombotic Drugs In prevention After cryptogenic stroke randomized trial: Rationale and methods.. Int J Stroke. :1747493018799981.
Kamel H, Bartz TM, Elkind MSV, Okin PM, Thacker EL, Patton KK, Stein PK, deFilippi CR, Gottesman RF, Heckbert SR et al..  2018.  Atrial Cardiopathy and the Risk of Ischemic Stroke in the CHS (Cardiovascular Health Study).. Stroke.
Krusche P, Trigg L, Boutros PC, Mason CE, De La Vega FM, Moore BL, Gonzalez-Porta M, Eberle MA, Tezak Z, Lababidi S et al..  2019.  Author Correction: Best practices for benchmarking germline small-variant calls in human genomes.. Nat Biotechnol.
Stojakovic A, Trushin S, Sheu A, Khalili L, Chang S-Y, Li X, Christensen T, Salisbury JL, Geroux RE, Gateno B et al..  2024.  Author Correction: Partial inhibition of mitochondrial complex I ameliorates Alzheimer's disease pathology and cognition in APP/PS1 female mice.. Commun Biol. 7(1):234.
Vabres P, Sorlin A, Kholmanskikh SS, Demeer B, St-Onge J, Duffourd Y, Kuentz P, Courcet J-B, Carmignac V, Garret P et al..  2019.  Author Correction: Postzygotic inactivating mutations of RHOA cause a mosaic neuroectodermal syndrome.. Nat Genet.
Vabres P, Sorlin A, Kholmanskikh SS, Demeer B, St-Onge J, Duffourd Y, Kuentz P, Courcet J-B, Carmignac V, Garret P et al..  2020.  Author Correction: Postzygotic inactivating mutations of RHOA cause a mosaic neuroectodermal syndrome.. Nat Genet.