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Yang J, Park KWoo, Cho S.  2018.  Inhibition of CD36 reduces visceral fat accumulation and improves insulin resistance in diet-induced obese BDNF mice.. J Biol Chem.
Neitemeier S, Dolga AM, Honrath B, Karuppagounder SS, Alim I, Ratan RR, Culmsee C.  2016.  Inhibition of HIF-prolyl-4-hydroxylases prevents mitochondrial impairment and cell death in a model of neuronal oxytosis.. Cell Death Dis. 7:e2214.
Kim E, Yang J, Park KWoo, Cho S.  2017.  Inhibition of VEGF Signaling Reduces Diabetes-Exacerbated Brain Swelling, but Not Infarct Size, in Large Cerebral Infarction in Mice.. Transl Stroke Res.
Sudmant PH, Rausch T, Gardner EJ, Handsaker RE, Abyzov A, Huddleston J, Zhang Y, Ye K, Jun G, Fritz MHsi-Yang et al..  2015.  An integrated map of structural variation in 2,504 human genomes.. Nature. 526(7571):75-81.
Gamlin CR, Schneider-Mizell CM, Mallory M, Elabbady L, Gouwens N, Williams G, Mukora A, Dalley R, Bodor A, Brittain D et al..  2023.  Integrating EM and Patch-seq data: Synaptic connectivity and target specificity of predicted Sst transcriptomic types.. bioRxiv.
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García NVDe Marco, Fishell G.  2024.  Interneuron Diversity: How Form Becomes Function.. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol.
Gilani AI, Chohan MO, Inan M, Schobel SA, Chaudhury NH, Paskewitz S, Chuhma N, Glickstein S, Merker RJ, Xu Q et al..  2014.  Interneuron precursor transplants in adult hippocampus reverse psychosis-relevant features in a mouse model of hippocampal disinhibition.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(20):7450-5.
Zhao L, Gottesdiener AJ, Parmar M, Li M, Kaminsky SM, Chiuchiolo MJ, Sondhi D, Sullivan PM, Holtzman DM, Crystal RG et al..  2016.  Intracerebral adeno-associated virus gene delivery of apolipoprotein E2 markedly reduces brain amyloid pathology in Alzheimer's disease mouse models.. Neurobiol Aging. 44:159-172.
Dunlop K, Talishinsky A, Liston C.  2019.  Intrinsic Brain Network Biomarkers of Antidepressant Response: a Review.. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 21(9):87.
Theofilas P, Wang C, Butler D, Morales DO, Petersen C, Ambrose A, Chin B, Yang T, Khan S, Ng R et al..  2024.  iPSC-induced neurons with the V337M MAPT mutation are selectively vulnerable to caspase-mediated cleavage of tau and apoptotic cell death.. Mol Cell Neurosci. 130:103954.
Parikh NS, Merkler AE, Kummer BR, Kamel H.  2018.  Ischemic Stroke After Emergency Department Discharge for Symptoms of Transient Neurological Attack.. Neurohospitalist. 8(3):135-140.
Navi BB, Iadecola C.  2018.  Ischemic Stroke in Cancer Patients: A Review of an Underappreciated Pathology.. Ann Neurol.
Knepp B, Navi BB, Rodriguez F, DeAngelis LM, Elkind MSV, Iadecola C, Sherman CP, Tagawa ST, Saxena A, Ocean AJ et al..  2024.  Ischemic Stroke with Comorbid Cancer Has Specific miRNA-mRNA Networks in Blood That Vary by Ischemic Stroke Mechanism.. Ann Neurol. 96(3):565-581.
Yang L, Han Y, Zhou T, Lacko LA, Saeed M, Tan C, Danziger R, Zhu J, Zhao Z, Cahir C et al..  2023.  Isogenic human trophectoderm cells demonstrate the role of NDUFA4 and associated variants in ZIKV infection.. iScience. 26(7):107001.
Forgacs PB, Fridman EA, Goldfine AM, Schiff ND.  2016.  Isolation Syndrome after Cardiac Arrest and Therapeutic Hypothermia.. Front Neurosci. 10:259.
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Orr AG, Lo I, Schumacher H, Ho K, Gill M, Guo W, Kim DH, Knox A, Saito T, Saido TC et al..  2018.  Istradefylline reduces memory deficits in aging mice with amyloid pathology.. Neurobiol Dis. 110:29-36.
Orr AG, Lo I, Schumacher H, Ho K, Gill M, Guo W, Kim DH, Knox A, Saito T, Saido TC et al..  2018.  Istradefylline reduces memory deficits in aging mice with amyloid pathology.. Neurobiol Dis. 110:29-36.