
Found 803 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Gaisina IN, Lee SH, Kaidery NA, Ben Aissa M, Ahuja M, Smirnova NN, Wakade S, Gaisin A, Bourassa MW, Ratan RR et al..  2018.  Activation of Nrf2 and Hypoxic Adaptive Response Contribute to Neuroprotection Elicited by Phenylhydroxamic Acid Selective HDAC6 Inhibitors.. ACS Chem Neurosci.
S Josephson A, Kamel H.  2018.  The Acute Stroke Care Revolution: Enhancing Access to Therapeutic Advances.. JAMA.
Kamel H.  2018.  Additional Factors in Considering Patent Foramen Ovale Closure to Prevent Recurrent Ischemic Stroke-Reply.. JAMA Neurol.
Koizumi K, Hattori Y, Ahn SJi, Buendia I, Ciacciarelli A, Uekawa K, Wang G, Hiller A, Zhao L, Voss HU et al..  2018.  Apoε4 disrupts neurovascular regulation and undermines white matter integrity and cognitive function.. Nat Commun. 9(1):3816.
Navi BB, Reiner AS, Kamel H, Iadecola C, Okin PM, Tagawa ST, Panageas KS, DeAngelis LM.  2018.  Arterial thromboembolic events preceding the diagnosis of cancer in older persons.. Blood.
Chen MLin, Gupta A, Chatterjee A, Khazanova D, Dou E, Patel H, Gialdini G, Merkler AE, Navi BB, Kamel H.  2018.  Association Between Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms and Downstream Stroke.. Stroke. 49(9):2029-2033.
Allen BB, Forgacs PB, Fakhar MA, Wu X, Gerber LM, Boddu S, Murthy SB, Stieg PE, Mangat HS.  2018.  Association of Seizure Occurrence with Aneurysm Treatment Modality in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Patients.. Neurocrit Care.
Kamel H, Longstreth WT, Tirschwell DL, Kronmal RA, Broderick JP, Palesch YY, Meinzer C, Dillon C, Ewing I, Spilker JA et al..  2018.  The AtRial Cardiopathy and Antithrombotic Drugs In prevention After cryptogenic stroke randomized trial: Rationale and methods.. Int J Stroke. :1747493018799981.
Kamel H, Bartz TM, Elkind MSV, Okin PM, Thacker EL, Patton KK, Stein PK, deFilippi CR, Gottesman RF, Heckbert SR et al..  2018.  Atrial Cardiopathy and the Risk of Ischemic Stroke in the CHS (Cardiovascular Health Study).. Stroke.
Kuceyeski A, Monohan E, Morris E, Fujimoto K, Vargas W, Gauthier SA.  2018.  Baseline biomarkers of connectome disruption and atrophy predict future processing speed in early multiple sclerosis.. Neuroimage Clin. 19:417-424.
Giza JI, Kim J, Meyer HC, Anastasia A, Dincheva I, Zheng CI, Lopez K, Bains H, Yang J, Bracken C et al..  2018.  The BDNF Val66Met Prodomain Disassembles Dendritic Spines Altering Fear Extinction Circuitry and Behavior.. Neuron. 99(1):163-178.e6.
Notaras M, van den Buuse M.  2018.  Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF): Novel Insights into Regulation and Genetic Variation.. Neuroscientist. :1073858418810142.
Burré J, Sharma M, Südhof TC.  2018.  Cell Biology and Pathophysiology of α-Synuclein.. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 8(3)
Kahl A, Blanco I, Jackman K, Baskar J, Mohan HMilaganur, Rodney-Sandy R, Zhang S, Iadecola C, Hochrainer K.  2018.  Cerebral ischemia induces the aggregation of proteins linked to neurodegenerative diseases.. Sci Rep. 8(1):2701.
Iadecola C, Gottesman RF.  2018.  Cerebrovascular Alterations in Alzheimer Disease.. Circ Res. 123(4):406-408.
Curley WH, Forgacs PB, Voss HU, Conte MM, Schiff ND.  2018.  Characterization of EEG signals revealing covert cognition in the injured brain.. Brain.
Omran SS, Lerario MP, Gialdini G, Merkler AE, Moya A, Chen ML, Kamel H, DeSancho M, Navi BB.  2018.  Clinical Impact of Thrombophilia Screening in Young Adults with Ischemic Stroke.. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis.
Kummer BR, Lerario MP, Navi BB, Ganzman AC, Ribaudo D, Mir SA, Pishanidar S, Lekic T, Williams O, Kamel H et al..  2018.  Clinical Information Systems Integration in New York City's First Mobile Stroke Unit.. Appl Clin Inform. 9(1):89-98.
Wang M, Fones L, Cave JW.  2018.  Conserved Upstream Regulatory Regions in Mammalian Tyrosine Hydroxylase.. Mol Neurobiol.
Gan L, Cookson MR, Petrucelli L, La Spada AR.  2018.  Converging pathways in neurodegeneration, from genetics to mechanisms.. Nat Neurosci. 21(10):1300-1309.
Braiman C, Fridman EA, Conte MM, Voss HU, Reichenbach CS, Reichenbach T, Schiff ND.  2018.  Cortical Response to the Natural Speech Envelope Correlates with Neuroimaging Evidence of Cognition in Severe Brain Injury.. Curr Biol.
Schenck EJ, Ma KC, Murthy SB, Choi AMK.  2018.  Danger Signals in the ICU.. Crit Care Med.
Stepanova A, Konrad C, Manfredi G, Springett R, Ten V, Galkin A.  2018.  The dependence of brain mitochondria reactive oxygen species production on oxygen level is linear, except when inhibited by antimycin A.. J Neurochem.
Zhang S, Nguyen TD, Zhao Y, Gauthier SA, Wang Y, Gupta A.  2018.  Diagnostic accuracy of semiautomatic lesion detection plus quantitative susceptibility mapping in the identification of new and enhancing multiple sclerosis lesions.. Neuroimage Clin. 18:143-148.
Faraco G, Brea D, Garcia-Bonilla L, Wang G, Racchumi G, Chang H, Buendia I, Santisteban MM, Segarra SG, Koizumi K et al..  2018.  Dietary salt promotes neurovascular and cognitive dysfunction through a gut-initiated TH17 response.. Nat Neurosci.