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Found 236 results
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Moda-Sava RN
Murdock MH
Parekh PK
Fetcho RN
Huang BS
Huynh TN
Witztum J
Shaver DC
Rosenthal DL
Alway EJ
et al.
. 2019.
Sustained rescue of prefrontal circuit dysfunction by antidepressant-induced spine formation.
Science. 364(6436)
Moda-Sava RN
Murdock MH
Parekh PK
Fetcho RN
Huang BS
Huynh TN
Witztum J
Shaver DC
Rosenthal DL
Alway EJ
et al.
. 2019.
Sustained rescue of prefrontal circuit dysfunction by antidepressant-induced spine formation.
Science. 364(6436)
Kamel H
Merkler AE
Iadecola C
Gupta A
Navi BB
. 2019.
Tailoring the Approach to Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source: A Review.
JAMA Neurol.
Notaras M
Allen M
Longo F
Volk N
Toth M
Jeon NLi
Klann E
Colak D
. 2019.
UPF2 leads to degradation of dendritically targeted mRNAs to regulate synaptic plasticity and cognitive function.
Mol Psychiatry.
Sweeney MD
Montagne A
Sagare AP
Nation DA
Schneider LS
Chui HC
Harrington MG
Pa J
Law M
Wang DJJ
et al.
. 2019.
Vascular dysfunction-The disregarded partner of Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimers Dement. 15(1):158-167.
Sweeney MD
Montagne A
Sagare AP
Nation DA
Schneider LS
Chui HC
Harrington MG
Pa J
Law M
Wang DJJ
et al.
. 2019.
Vascular dysfunction-The disregarded partner of Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimers Dement. 15(1):158-167.
Naseri NN
Ergel B
Kharel P
Na Y
Huang Q
Huang R
Dolzhanskaya N
Burré J
Velinov MT
Sharma M
. 2020.
Aggregation of mutant cysteine string protein-α via Fe-S cluster binding is mitigated by iron chelators.
Nat Struct Mol Biol. 27(2):192-201.
Naseri NN
Ergel B
Kharel P
Na Y
Huang Q
Huang R
Dolzhanskaya N
Burré J
Velinov MT
Sharma M
. 2020.
Aggregation of mutant cysteine string protein-α via Fe-S cluster binding is mitigated by iron chelators.
Nat Struct Mol Biol. 27(2):192-201.
Naseri N
Sharma M
Velinov M
. 2020.
Autosomal dominant neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis: Clinical features and molecular basis.
Clin Genet.
Comanducci A
Boly M
Claassen J
De Lucia M
Gibson RM
Juan E
Laureys S
Naccache L
Owen AM
Rosanova M
et al.
. 2020.
Clinical and advanced neurophysiology in the prognostic and diagnostic evaluation of disorders of consciousness: review of an IFCN-endorsed expert group.
Clin Neurophysiol. 131(11):2736-2765.
J Provencio J
J Hemphill C
Claassen J
Edlow BL
Helbok R
Vespa PM
Diringer MN
Polizzotto L
Shutter L
Suarez JI
et al.
. 2020.
The Curing Coma Campaign: Framing Initial Scientific Challenges-Proceedings of the First Curing Coma Campaign Scientific Advisory Council Meeting.
Neurocrit Care.
Noch EK
Yim I
Milner TA
Cantley LC
. 2020.
Distribution and localization of phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate, 4-kinase alpha and beta in the brain.
J Comp Neurol.
Nitzsche A
Poittevin M
Benarab A
Bonnin P
Faraco G
Uchida H
Favre J
Garcia-Bonilla L
Garcia MCl
Leger P-LPl
et al.
. 2020.
Endothelial S1P Signaling Counteracts Infarct Expansion in Ischemic Stroke.
Circ Res.
Nitzsche A
Poittevin M
Benarab A
Bonnin P
Faraco G
Uchida H
Favre J
Garcia-Bonilla L
Garcia MCl
Leger P-LPl
et al.
. 2020.
Endothelial S1P Signaling Counteracts Infarct Expansion in Ischemic Stroke.
Circ Res.
Pandya S
Kaunzner UW
Rúa SMHurtado
Nealon N
Perumal J
Vartanian T
Nguyen TD
Gauthier SA
. 2020.
Impact of Lesion Location on Longitudinal Myelin Water Fraction Change in Chronic Multiple Sclerosis Lesions.
J Neuroimaging. 30(4):537-543.
Pandya S
Kaunzner UW
Rúa SMHurtado
Nealon N
Perumal J
Vartanian T
Nguyen TD
Gauthier SA
. 2020.
Impact of Lesion Location on Longitudinal Myelin Water Fraction Change in Chronic Multiple Sclerosis Lesions.
J Neuroimaging. 30(4):537-543.
Parikh NS
Kamel H
Navi BB
Iadecola C
Merkler AE
Jesudian A
Dawson J
Falcone GJ
Sheth KN
Roh DJ
et al.
. 2020.
Liver Fibrosis Indices and Outcomes After Primary Intracerebral Hemorrhage.
Stroke. :STROKEAHA119028161.
Murthy SB
Wu X
Díaz I
Parasram M
Parikh NS
Iadecola C
Merkler AE
Falcone GJ
Brown S
Biffi A
et al.
. 2020.
Non-Traumatic Subdural Hemorrhage and Risk of Arterial Ischemic Events.
Stroke. 51(5):1464-1469.
Abramov D
Guiberson NGuy Lewis
Daab A
Na Y
Petsko GA
Sharma M
Burré J
. 2020.
Targeted stabilization of Munc18-1 function via pharmacological chaperones.
EMBO Mol Med. :e12354.
Palmer EE
Whitton C
Hashem MO
Clark RD
Ramanathan S
Starr LJ
Velasco D
De Dios JKarl
Singh E
Cormier-Daire V
et al.
. 2021.
CHEDDA syndrome is an underrecognized neurodevelopmental disorder with a highly restricted ATN1 mutation spectrum.
Clin Genet.
Salsench EMedico
Maroofian R
Deng R
Lanko K
Nikoncuk A
Pérez B
Sánchez-Lijarcio O
Ibáñez-Mico S
Wojcik A
Vargas M
et al.
. 2021.
Expanding the mutational landscape and clinical phenotype of the YIF1B related brain disorder.
Wolujewicz P
Aguiar-Pulido V
AbdelAleem A
Nair V
Thareja G
Suhre K
Shaw GM
Finnell RH
Elemento O
M Ross E
. 2021.
Genome-wide investigation identifies a rare copy-number variant burden associated with human spina bifida.
Genet Med.
Xu P
Chang JC
Zhou X
Wang W
Bamkole M
Wong E
Bettayeb K
Jiang L-L
Huang T
Luo W
et al.
. 2021.
GSAP regulates lipid homeostasis and mitochondrial function associated with Alzheimer's disease.
J Exp Med. 218(8)
Navi BB
Sherman CP
Genova R
Mathias R
Lansdale KN
LeMoss NM
Wolfe J
Skakodub A
Kamel H
Tagawa ST
et al.
. 2021.
Mechanisms of Ischemic Stroke in Patients with Cancer: A Prospective Study.
Ann Neurol. 90(1):159-169.
Yang F
Li J
Song Y
Zhao M
Niemeyer JE
Luo P
Li D
Lin W
Ma H
Schwartz TH
. 2021.
Mesoscopic Mapping of Ictal Neurovascular Coupling in Awake Behaving Mice Using Optical Spectroscopy and Genetically Encoded Calcium Indicators.
Front Neurosci. 15:704834.
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