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Journal Article
Iadecola C, Anrather J, Kamel H.  2020.  Effects of COVID-19 on the Nervous System.. Cell. 183(1):16-27.e1.
Yoval-Sánchez B, Ansari F, Lange D, Galkin A.  2022.  Effect of metformin on intact mitochondria from liver and brain: Concept revisited.. Eur J Pharmacol. 931:175177.
Yoval-Sánchez B, Guerrero I, Ansari F, Niatsetskaya Z, Siragusa M, Magrane J, Ten V, Konrad C, Szibor M, Galkin A.  2024.  Effect of alternative oxidase (AOX) expression on mouse cerebral mitochondria bioenergetics.. Redox Biol. 77:103378.
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Ahn SJi, Anrather J, Nishimura N, Schaffer CB.  2018.  Diverse Inflammatory Response After Cerebral Microbleeds Includes Coordinated Microglial Migration and Proliferation.. Stroke.
Ahn SJi, Anrather J, Nishimura N, Schaffer CB.  2018.  Diverse Inflammatory Response After Cerebral Microbleeds Includes Coordinated Microglial Migration and Proliferation.. Stroke.
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Guiberson NGuy Lewis, Black LS, Haller JE, Brukner A, Abramov D, Ahmad S, Xie YXin, Sharma M, Burré J.  2024.  Disease-linked mutations in Munc18-1 deplete synaptic Doc2.. Brain.
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Williams MJ, Okai AF, Cross AH, Monson NL, Vartanian T, Thrower BW, Reder AT, English JB, Wu GF, Bernitsas E et al..  2023.  Demographics and baseline disease characteristics of Black and Hispanic patients with multiple sclerosis in the open-label, single-arm, multicenter, phase IV CHIMES trial.. Mult Scler Relat Disord. 76:104794.
Williams MJ, Okai AF, Cross AH, Monson NL, Vartanian T, Thrower BW, Reder AT, English JB, Wu GF, Bernitsas E et al..  2023.  Demographics and baseline disease characteristics of Black and Hispanic patients with multiple sclerosis in the open-label, single-arm, multicenter, phase IV CHIMES trial.. Mult Scler Relat Disord. 76:104794.
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Chen H, Fan L, Guo Q, Wong MYing, Yu F, Foxe N, Wang W, Nessim A, Carling G, Liu B et al..  2023.  DAP12 deficiency alters microglia-oligodendrocyte communication and enhances resilience against tau toxicity.. Res Sq.
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