
Found 803 results
Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Journal Article
Fitzgerald ML, Mackie K, Pickel VM.  2019.  Ultrastructural localization of cannabinoid-1 (CB1) and mGluR5 receptors in the prefrontal cortex and amygdala.. J Comp Neurol.
Glass MJ, Chan J, Pickel VM.  2017.  Ultrastructural characterization of tumor necrosis factor alpha receptor type 1 distribution in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus of the mouse.. Neuroscience. 352:262-272.
Hochrainer K, Pejanovic N, Olaseun VA, Zhang S, Iadecola C, Anrather J.  2015.  The ubiquitin ligase HERC3 attenuates NF-κB-dependent transcription independently of its enzymatic activity by delivering the RelA subunit for degradation.. Nucleic Acids Res. 43(20):9889-904.
Hu Q, Victor JD.  2016.  Two-Dimensional Hermite Filters Simplify the Description of High-Order Statistics of Natural Images.. Symmetry (Basel). 8(9)
Victor JD, Rizvi SM, Conte MM.  2017.  Two representations of a high-dimensional perceptual space.. Vision Res. 137:1-23.
Woods C, Marques-Lopes J, Contoreggi NH, Milner TA, Pickel VM, Wang G, Glass MJ.  2020.  Tumor necrosis factor alpha-receptor type 1 activation in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus contributes to glutamate signaling and angiotensin II-dependent hypertension.. J Neurosci.
Yaghi S, Chang AD, Cutting S, Jayaraman M, McTaggart RA, Ricci BA, Dakay K, Narwal P, Grory BMac, Burton T et al..  2018.  Troponin Improves the Yield of Transthoracic Echocardiography in Ischemic Stroke Patients of Determined Stroke Subtype.. Stroke. 49(11):2777-2779.
Nair RSathish, Kumar S, Das S, Singh SKumar, Srivastava P, Sondarva G, Rao A, Sinha SC, Xiong R, Bloem L et al..  2023.  TrkA expression directs the anti-neoplastic activity of MLK3 inhibitors in triple-negative breast cancer.. Oncogene.
Chatterjee A, Chen M, Gialdini G, Reznik ME, Murthy S, Kamel H, Merkler AE.  2018.  Trends in Tracheostomy After Stroke: Analysis of the 1994 to 2013 National Inpatient Sample.. Neurohospitalist. 8(4):171-176.
Yuan P, Condello C, C Keene D, Wang Y, Bird TD, Paul SM, Luo W, Colonna M, Baddeley D, Grutzendler J.  2016.  TREM2 Haplodeficiency in Mice and Humans Impairs the Microglia Barrier Function Leading to Decreased Amyloid Compaction and Severe Axonal Dystrophy.. Neuron. 90(4):724-39.
Murthy SB, Shah J, Mangat HS, Stieg P.  2016.  Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms With Pipeline Embolization Device: Newer Applications and Technical Advances.. Curr Treat Options Neurol. 18(4):16.
Sanz LRD, Lejeune N, Blandiaux S, Bonin E, Thibaut A, Stender J, Farber NM, Zafonte RD, Schiff ND, Laureys S et al..  2019.  Treating Disorders of Consciousness With Apomorphine: Protocol for a Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial Using Multimodal Assessments.. Front Neurol. 10:248.
Evering TH, Marston JL, Gan L, Nixon DF.  2023.  Transposable elements and Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis.. Trends Neurosci. 46(3):170-172.
Dai Y, Hill CE.  2018.  Transplantation of Adult Rat Schwann Cells into the Injured Spinal Cord.. Methods Mol Biol. 1739:409-438.
Choi MSik, Nakamura T, Cho S-J, Han X, Holland EA, Qu J, Petsko GA, Yates JR, Liddington RC, Lipton SA.  2014.  Transnitrosylation from DJ-1 to PTEN attenuates neuronal cell death in parkinson's disease models.. J Neurosci. 34(45):15123-31.
Ishii M, Wang G, Racchumi G, Dyke JP, Iadecola C.  2014.  Transgenic mice overexpressing amyloid precursor protein exhibit early metabolic deficits and a pathologically low leptin state associated with hypothalamic dysfunction in arcuate neuropeptide Y neurons.. J Neurosci. 34(27):9096-106.
Dulin JN, Antunes-Martins A, Chandran V, Costigan M, Lerch JK, Willis DE, Tuszynski MH.  2015.  Transcriptomic Approaches to Neural Repair.. J Neurosci. 35(41):13860-7.
Lan MJ, Chhetry BThapa, Liston C, J Mann J, Dubin M.  2016.  Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation of Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Induces Brain Morphological Changes in Regions Associated with a Treatment Resistant Major Depressive Episode: An Exploratory Analysis.. Brain Stimul. 9(4):577-83.
Agarwal S, Sobczak E, Presciutti A, Brodie D, Morris N, Roh DJ, Park S, Claassen J, Kamel H.  2018.  Tracheostomy use, long-term survival, and neurological outcomes among cardiac arrest survivors.. Resuscitation.
Uekawa K, Anfray A, Ahn SJi, Casey N, Seo J, Zhou P, Iadecola C, Park L.  2024.  tPA supplementation preserves neurovascular and cognitive function in Tg2576 mice.. Alzheimers Dement. 20(7):4572-4582.
Park L, Zhou J, Koizumi K, Wang G, Anfray A, Ahn SJi, Seo J, Zhou P, Zhao L, Paul S et al..  2020.  tPA Deficiency Underlies Neurovascular Coupling Dysfunction by Amyloid-β.. J Neurosci. 40(42):8160-8173.
Andrews MG, Pearson CA.  2024.  Toward an understanding of glucose metabolism in radial glial biology and brain development.. Life Sci Alliance. 7(1)
Schiff ND.  2024.  Toward an interventional science of recovery after coma.. Neuron. 112(10):1595-1610.
Lopez-Lee C, Kodama L, Fan L, Zhu D, Zhu J, Wong MYing, Ye P, Norman K, Foxe NR, Ijaz L et al..  2024.  Tlr7 drives sex differences in age- and Alzheimer's disease-related demyelination.. Science. 386(6725):eadk7844.
Morris NA, Merkler AE, Gialdini G, Kamel H.  2017.  Timing of Incident Stroke Risk After Cervical Artery Dissection Presenting Without Ischemia.. Stroke. 48(3):551-555.