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Journal Article
Murthy SB, Gupta A, Kamel H.  2017.  Response by Murthy et al to Letter Regarding Article, "Restarting Anticoagulant Therapy After Intracranial Hemorrhage: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis".. Stroke. 48(9):e267.
Parikh NS, Kamel H.  2017.  Response by Parikh and Kamel to Letter Regarding Article, "Stroke Risk and Mortality in Patients With Ventricular Assist Devices".. Stroke. 48(1):e27.
Morris NA, Murthy SB, Kamel H.  2018.  Response Letter: Neurological Disease Triggering Takotsubo Syndrome.. Neurocrit Care.
Murthy SB, Gupta A, Merkler AE, Navi BB, Mandava P, Iadecola C, Sheth KN, Hanley DF, Ziai WC, Kamel H.  2017.  Restarting Anticoagulant Therapy After Intracranial Hemorrhage: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.. Stroke. 48(6):1594-1600.
Drysdale AT, Grosenick L, Downar J, Dunlop K, Mansouri F, Meng Y, Fetcho RN, Zebley B, Oathes DJ, Etkin A et al..  2017.  Resting-state connectivity biomarkers define neurophysiological subtypes of depression.. Nat Med. 23(1):28-38.
Ishii M, Kamel H, Iadecola C.  2018.  Retinol Binding Protein 4 Levels Are Not Altered in Preclinical Alzheimer's Disease and Not Associated with Cognitive Decline or Incident Dementia.. J Alzheimers Dis.
Mayhew CN, Singhania R.  2022.  A review of protocols for brain organoids and applications for disease modeling.. STAR Protoc. 4(1):101860.
Iadecola C.  2020.  Revisiting atherosclerosis and dementia.. Nat Neurosci. 23(6):691-692.
Schaeffer S, Iadecola C.  2021.  Revisiting the neurovascular unit.. Nat Neurosci.
Chen Q, Kirk K, Shurubor YI, Zhao D, Arreguin AJ, Shahi I, Valsecchi F, Primiano G, Calder EL, Carelli V et al..  2018.  Rewiring of Glutamine Metabolism Is a Bioenergetic Adaptation of Human Cells with Mitochondrial DNA Mutations.. Cell Metab.
Fazal S, Danzi MC, Xu I, Kobren SNadimpalli, Sunyaev S, Reuter C, Marwaha S, Wheeler M, Dolzhenko E, Lucas F et al..  2024.  RExPRT: a machine learning tool to predict pathogenicity of tandem repeat loci.. Genome Biol. 25(1):39.
Kamel H, Navi BB, Sriram N, Hovsepian DA, Devereux RB, Elkind MSV.  2014.  Risk of a thrombotic event after the 6-week postpartum period.. N Engl J Med. 370(14):1307-15.
Murthy SB, Díaz I, Wu X, Merkler AE, Iadecola C, Safford MM, Sheth KN, Navi BB, Kamel H.  2019.  Risk of Arterial Ischemic Events After Intracerebral Hemorrhage.. Stroke. :STROKEAHA119026207.
Navi BB, Howard G, Howard VJ, Zhao H, Judd SE, Elkind MSV, Iadecola C, DeAngelis LM, Kamel H, Okin PM et al..  2019.  The risk of arterial thromboembolic events after cancer diagnosis.. Res Pract Thromb Haemost. 3(4):639-651.
Navi BB, Howard G, Howard VJ, Zhao H, Judd SE, Elkind MSV, Iadecola C, DeAngelis LM, Kamel H, Okin PM et al..  2019.  The risk of arterial thromboembolic events after cancer diagnosis.. Res Pract Thromb Haemost. 3(4):639-651.
Lerario MP, Gialdini G, Lapidus DM, Shaw MM, Navi BB, Merkler AE, Lip GYH, Healey JS, Kamel H.  2015.  Risk of Ischemic Stroke after Intracranial Hemorrhage in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation.. PLoS One. 10(12):e0145579.
Khormaee S, Do HT, Mayr Y, Gialdini G, Kamel H, Lyman S, Cross MB.  2018.  Risk of Ischemic Stroke After Perioperative Atrial Fibrillation in Total Knee and Hip Arthroplasty Patients.. J Arthroplasty.
Liberman AL, Merkler AE, Gialdini G, Messé SR, Lerario MP, Murthy SB, Kamel H, Navi BB.  2017.  Risk of Pulmonary Embolism After Cerebral Venous Thrombosis.. Stroke. 48(3):563-567.
Alkhachroum AM, Rubinos C, Kummer BR, Parikh NS, Chen M, Chatterjee A, Reynolds A, Merkler AE, Claassen J, Kamel H.  2018.  Risk of seizures and status epilepticus in older patients with liver disease.. Epilepsia.
Parauda SC, Zhang C, Omran SSalehi, Schweitzer AD, Murthy SB, Merkler AE, Navi BB, Iadecola C, Kamel H, Parikh NS.  2022.  Risk of Stroke After Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome.. Stroke. :101161STROKEAHA122038673.
Morris NA, Chatterjee A, Adejumo OL, Chen M, Merkler AE, Murthy SB, Kamel H.  2018.  The Risk of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy in Acute Neurological Disease.. Neurocrit Care.
Merkler AE, Zhang C, Díaz I, Stewart C, LeMoss NM, Mir S, Parikh N, Murthy S, Lin N, Gupta A et al..  2022.  Risk stratification models for stroke in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 infection.. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 31(8):106589.
Wu C, Bendriem RM, Garamszegi SP, Song L, Lee C-T.  2017.  RNA sequencing in post-mortem human brains of neuropsychiatric disorders.. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 71(10):663-672.
Baker JL, Ryou J-W, Wei XF, Butson CR, Schiff ND, Purpura KP.  2016.  Robust modulation of arousal regulation, performance, and frontostriatal activity through central thalamic deep brain stimulation in healthy nonhuman primates.. J Neurophysiol. 116(5):2383-2404.
Melman T, Victor JD.  2016.  Robust power spectral estimation for EEG data.. J Neurosci Methods. 268:14-22.