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Mende M, Fletcher EV, Belluardo JL, Pierce JP, Bommareddy PK, Weinrich JA, Kabir ZD, Schierberl KC, Pagiazitis JG, Mendelsohn AI et al..  2016.  Sensory-Derived Glutamate Regulates Presynaptic Inhibitory Terminals in Mouse Spinal Cord.. Neuron. 90(6):1189-1202.
Mazid S, Hall BS, Odell SC, Stafford K, Dyer AD, Van Kempen TA, Selegean J, McEwen BS, Waters EM, Milner TA.  2016.  Sex differences in subcellular distribution of delta opioid receptors in the rat hippocampus in response to acute and chronic stress.. Neurobiol Stress. 5:37-53.
Gupta A, Giambrone AE, Gialdini G, Finn C, Delgado D, Gutierrez J, Wright C, Beiser AS, Seshadri S, Pandya A et al..  2016.  Silent Brain Infarction and Risk of Future Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.. Stroke. 47(3):719-25.
Baradaran H, Gialdini G, Mtui E, Askin G, Kamel H, Gupta A.  2016.  Silent Brain Infarction in Patients With Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Atherosclerotic Disease.. Stroke. 47(5):1368-70.
Rahman N, Ramos-Espiritu L, Milner TA, Buck J, Levin LR.  2016.  Soluble adenylyl cyclase is essential for proper lysosomal acidification.. J Gen Physiol. 148(4):325-39.
Garcia-Bonilla L, Faraco G, Moore J, Murphy M, Racchumi G, Srinivasan J, Brea D, Iadecola C, Anrather J.  2016.  Spatio-temporal profile, phenotypic diversity, and fate of recruited monocytes into the post-ischemic brain.. J Neuroinflammation. 13(1):285.
Sammons JD, Weiss MS, Escanilla OD, Fooden AF, Victor JD, Di Lorenzo PM.  2016.  Spontaneous Changes in Taste Sensitivity of Single Units Recorded over Consecutive Days in the Brainstem of the Awake Rat.. PLoS One. 11(8):e0160143.
Parikh NS, Cool J, Karas MG, Boehme AK, Kamel H.  2016.  Stroke Risk and Mortality in Patients With Ventricular Assist Devices.. Stroke. 47(11):2702-2706.
Kuceyeski A, Navi BB, Kamel H, Raj A, Relkin N, Toglia J, Iadecola C, O'Dell M.  2016.  Structural connectome disruption at baseline predicts 6-months post-stroke outcome.. Hum Brain Mapp. 37(7):2587-601.
Kaunzner UW, Kumar G, Askin G, Gauthier SA, Nealon NN, Vartanian T, Perumal JS.  2016.  A study of patients with aggressive multiple sclerosis at disease onset.. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 12:1907-12.