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Found 44 results
Gan, Li
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Carling GK
Fan L
Foxe NR
Norman K
Ye P
Wong MYing
Zhu D
Yu F
Xu J
Yarahmady A
et al.
. 2024.
Alzheimer's disease-linked risk alleles elevate microglial cGAS-associated senescence and neurodegeneration in a tauopathy model.
Carling GK
Fan L
Foxe NR
Norman K
Wong MYing
Zhu D
Corona C
Razzoli A
Yu F
Yarahmady A
et al.
. 2024.
Alzheimer's disease-linked risk alleles elevate microglial cGAS-associated senescence and neurodegeneration in a tauopathy model.
Bravo CParra
Krukowski K
Barker S
Wang C
Li Y
Fan L
Vázquez-Rosa E
Shin M-K
Wong MYing
McCullough LD
et al.
. 2024.
Anti-acetylated-tau immunotherapy is neuroprotective in tauopathy and brain injury.
Mol Neurodegener. 19(1):51.
Cheng F
Wang F
Tang J
Zhou Y
Fu Z
Zhang P
Haines JL
Leverenz JB
Gan L
Hu J
et al.
. 2024.
Artificial intelligence and open science in discovery of disease-modifying medicines for Alzheimer's disease.
Cell Rep Med. 5(2):101379.
Bravo CParra
Giani AMaria
Perez JMadero
Zhao Z
Wan Y
Samelson AJ
Wong MYing
Evangelisti A
Cordes E
Fan L
et al.
. 2024.
Human iPSC 4R tauopathy model uncovers modifiers of tau propagation.
Theofilas P
Wang C
Butler D
Morales DO
Petersen C
Ambrose A
Chin B
Yang T
Khan S
Ng R
et al.
. 2024.
iPSC-induced neurons with the V337M MAPT mutation are selectively vulnerable to caspase-mediated cleavage of tau and apoptotic cell death.
Mol Cell Neurosci. 130:103954.
Kauwe G
Pareja-Navarro KA
Yao L
Chen JH
Wong I
Saloner R
Cifuentes H
Nana AL
Shah S
Li Y
et al.
. 2024.
KIBRA repairs synaptic plasticity and promotes resilience to tauopathy-related memory loss.
J Clin Invest. 134(3)
Lopez-Lee C
Torres ERuth S
Carling G
Gan L
. 2024.
Mechanisms of sex differences in Alzheimer's disease.
Kong W
Frouard J
Xie G
Corley MJ
Helmy E
Zhang G
Schwarzer R
Montano M
Sohn P
Roan NR
et al.
. 2024.
Neuroinflammation generated by HIV-infected microglia promotes dysfunction and death of neurons in human brain organoids.
PNAS Nexus. 3(5):pgae179.
Sexton CE
Bitan G
Bowles KR
Brys M
Buée L
Maina MBukar
Clelland CD
Cohen AD
Crary JF
Dage JL
et al.
. 2024.
Novel avenues of tau research.
Alzheimers Dement.
Lopez-Lee C
Kodama L
Fan L
Zhu D
Zhu J
Wong MYing
Ye P
Norman K
Foxe NR
Ijaz L
et al.
. 2024.
Tlr7 drives sex differences in age- and Alzheimer's disease-related demyelination.
Science. 386(6725):eadk7844.
Luo W
Qu W
Gan L
. 2023.
The AD odyssey 2023: Tales of single cell.
Cell. 186(20):4257-4259.
Das M
Mao W
Voskobiynyk Y
Necula D
Lew I
Petersen C
Zahn A
Yu G-Q
Yu X
Smith N
et al.
. 2023.
Alzheimer risk-increasing TREM2 variant causes aberrant cortical synapse density and promotes network hyperexcitability in mouse models.
Neurobiol Dis. 186:106263.
Amin S
Liu B
Gan L
. 2023.
Autophagy prevents microglial senescence.
Nat Cell Biol. 25(7):923-925.
Samelson AJ
Ariqat N
McKetney J
Rohanitazangi G
Bravo CParra
Goodness D
Tian R
Grosjean P
Abskharon R
Eisenberg D
et al.
. 2023.
CRISPR screens in iPSC-derived neurons reveal principles of tau proteostasis.
Chen H
Fan L
Guo Q
Wong MYing
Yu F
Foxe N
Wang W
Nessim A
Carling G
Liu B
et al.
. 2023.
DAP12 deficiency alters microglia-oligodendrocyte communication and enhances resilience against tau toxicity.
Res Sq.
Chen H
Fan L
Guo Q
Wong MYing
Yu F
Foxe N
Wang W
Nessim A
Carling G
Liu B
et al.
. 2023.
DAP12 deficiency alters microglia-oligodendrocyte communication and enhances resilience against tau toxicity.
Wang Z
Lipshutz A
Liu Z-L
Trzeciak AJ
Miranda IC
de la Torre CMartínez
Schild T
Lazarov T
Rojas WSaitz
Saavedra PHV
et al.
. 2023.
Early life high fructose exposure disrupts microglia function and impedes neurodevelopment.
Yang X
Wen J
Yang H
Jones IR
Zhu X
Liu W
Li B
Clelland CD
Luo W
Wong MYing
et al.
. 2023.
Functional characterization of Alzheimer's disease genetic variants in microglia.
Nat Genet. 55(10):1735-1744.
Sziraki A
Lu Z
Lee J
Banyai G
Anderson S
Abdulraouf A
Metzner E
Liao A
Banfelder J
Epstein A
et al.
. 2023.
A global view of aging and Alzheimer's pathogenesis-associated cell population dynamics and molecular signatures in human and mouse brains.
Nat Genet.
Bravo CParra
Giani AMaria
Perez JMadero
Zhao Z
Samelson A
Wong MYing
Evangelisti A
Fan L
Pozner T
Mercedes M
et al.
. 2023.
Human iPSC 4R tauopathy model uncovers modifiers of tau propagation.
Kauwe G
Pareja-Navarro KA
Yao L
Chen JH
Wong I
Saloner R
Cifuentes H
Nana AL
Shah S
Li Y
et al.
. 2023.
KIBRA repairs synaptic plasticity and promotes resilience to tauopathy-related memory loss.
Huang Y
Liu B
Sinha SC
Amin S
Gan L
. 2023.
Mechanism and therapeutic potential of targeting cGAS-STING signaling in neurological disorders.
Mol Neurodegener. 18(1):79.
Lopez-Lee C
Kodama L
Fan L
Wong MYing
Foxe NR
Jiaz L
Yu F
Ye P
Zhu J
Norman K
et al.
. 2023.
Sex Chromosomes and Gonads Shape the Sex-Biased Transcriptomic Landscape in Tlr7-Mediated Demyelination During Aging.
Evering TH
Marston JL
Gan L
Nixon DF
. 2023.
Transposable elements and Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis.
Trends Neurosci. 46(3):170-172.
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