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Journal Article
Luo W, Qu W, Gan L.  2023.  The AD odyssey 2023: Tales of single cell.. Cell. 186(20):4257-4259.
Das M, Mao W, Voskobiynyk Y, Necula D, Lew I, Petersen C, Zahn A, Yu G-Q, Yu X, Smith N et al..  2023.  Alzheimer risk-increasing TREM2 variant causes aberrant cortical synapse density and promotes network hyperexcitability in mouse models.. Neurobiol Dis. 186:106263.
Carling GK, Fan L, Foxe NR, Norman K, Wong MYing, Zhu D, Corona C, Razzoli A, Yu F, Yarahmady A et al..  2024.  Alzheimer's disease-linked risk alleles elevate microglial cGAS-associated senescence and neurodegeneration in a tauopathy model.. Neuron.
Carling GK, Fan L, Foxe NR, Norman K, Ye P, Wong MYing, Zhu D, Yu F, Xu J, Yarahmady A et al..  2024.  Alzheimer's disease-linked risk alleles elevate microglial cGAS-associated senescence and neurodegeneration in a tauopathy model.. bioRxiv.
Bravo CParra, Krukowski K, Barker S, Wang C, Li Y, Fan L, Vázquez-Rosa E, Shin M-K, Wong MYing, McCullough LD et al..  2024.  Anti-acetylated-tau immunotherapy is neuroprotective in tauopathy and brain injury.. Mol Neurodegener. 19(1):51.
Han L, Gan L.  2022.  The Application of Artificial Neural Network Combined with Virtual Reality Technology in Environment Art Design.. Comput Intell Neurosci. 2022:7562167.
Cheng F, Wang F, Tang J, Zhou Y, Fu Z, Zhang P, Haines JL, Leverenz JB, Gan L, Hu J et al..  2024.  Artificial intelligence and open science in discovery of disease-modifying medicines for Alzheimer's disease.. Cell Rep Med. 5(2):101379.
Amin S, Liu B, Gan L.  2023.  Autophagy prevents microglial senescence.. Nat Cell Biol. 25(7):923-925.
Gan L, Cookson MR, Petrucelli L, La Spada AR.  2018.  Converging pathways in neurodegeneration, from genetics to mechanisms.. Nat Neurosci. 21(10):1300-1309.
Samelson AJ, Ariqat N, McKetney J, Rohanitazangi G, Bravo CParra, Goodness D, Tian R, Grosjean P, Abskharon R, Eisenberg D et al..  2023.  CRISPR screens in iPSC-derived neurons reveal principles of tau proteostasis.. bioRxiv.
Dräger NM, Sattler SM, Huang CTzu-Ling, Teter OM, Leng K, Hashemi SHadi, Hong J, Aviles G, Clelland CD, Zhan L et al..  2022.  A CRISPRi/a platform in human iPSC-derived microglia uncovers regulators of disease states.. Nat Neurosci.
Chen H, Fan L, Guo Q, Wong MYing, Yu F, Foxe N, Wang W, Nessim A, Carling G, Liu B et al..  2023.  DAP12 deficiency alters microglia-oligodendrocyte communication and enhances resilience against tau toxicity.. bioRxiv.
Chen H, Fan L, Guo Q, Wong MYing, Yu F, Foxe N, Wang W, Nessim A, Carling G, Liu B et al..  2023.  DAP12 deficiency alters microglia-oligodendrocyte communication and enhances resilience against tau toxicity.. Res Sq.
Telpoukhovskaia MA, Liu K, Sayed FA, Etchegaray JIker, Xie M, Zhan L, Li Y, Zhou Y, Le D, Bahr BA et al..  2020.  Discovery of small molecules that normalize the transcriptome and enhance cysteine cathepsin activity in progranulin-deficient microglia.. Sci Rep. 10(1):13688.
Wang Z, Lipshutz A, Liu Z-L, Trzeciak AJ, Miranda IC, de la Torre CMartínez, Schild T, Lazarov T, Rojas WSaitz, Saavedra PHV et al..  2023.  Early life high fructose exposure disrupts microglia function and impedes neurodevelopment.. bioRxiv.
Chen X, Gan L.  2019.  An exercise-induced messenger boosts memory in Alzheimer's disease.. Nat Med. 25(1):20-21.
Dong Q, Gentry NW, McMahon T, Yamazaki M, Benitez-Rivera L, Wang T, Gan L, Ptáček L, Fu Y-H.  2022.  Familial natural short sleep mutations reduce Alzheimer pathology in mice.. iScience. 25(4):103964.
Yang X, Wen J, Yang H, Jones IR, Zhu X, Liu W, Li B, Clelland CD, Luo W, Wong MYing et al..  2023.  Functional characterization of Alzheimer's disease genetic variants in microglia.. Nat Genet. 55(10):1735-1744.
Sziraki A, Lu Z, Lee J, Banyai G, Anderson S, Abdulraouf A, Metzner E, Liao A, Banfelder J, Epstein A et al..  2023.  A global view of aging and Alzheimer's pathogenesis-associated cell population dynamics and molecular signatures in human and mouse brains.. Nat Genet.
Bravo CParra, Giani AMaria, Perez JMadero, Zhao Z, Wan Y, Samelson AJ, Wong MYing, Evangelisti A, Cordes E, Fan L et al..  2024.  Human iPSC 4R tauopathy model uncovers modifiers of tau propagation.. Cell.
Bravo CParra, Giani AMaria, Perez JMadero, Zhao Z, Samelson A, Wong MYing, Evangelisti A, Fan L, Pozner T, Mercedes M et al..  2023.  Human iPSC 4R tauopathy model uncovers modifiers of tau propagation.. bioRxiv.
Theofilas P, Wang C, Butler D, Morales DO, Petersen C, Ambrose A, Chin B, Yang T, Khan S, Ng R et al..  2024.  iPSC-induced neurons with the V337M MAPT mutation are selectively vulnerable to caspase-mediated cleavage of tau and apoptotic cell death.. Mol Cell Neurosci. 130:103954.
Kauwe G, Pareja-Navarro KA, Yao L, Chen JH, Wong I, Saloner R, Cifuentes H, Nana AL, Shah S, Li Y et al..  2024.  KIBRA repairs synaptic plasticity and promotes resilience to tauopathy-related memory loss.. J Clin Invest. 134(3)
Kauwe G, Pareja-Navarro KA, Yao L, Chen JH, Wong I, Saloner R, Cifuentes H, Nana AL, Shah S, Li Y et al..  2023.  KIBRA repairs synaptic plasticity and promotes resilience to tauopathy-related memory loss.. bioRxiv.
Song M, Yang X, Ren X, Maliskova L, Li B, Jones IR, Wang C, Jacob F, Wu K, Traglia M et al..  2019.  Mapping cis-regulatory chromatin contacts in neural cells links neuropsychiatric disorder risk variants to target genes.. Nat Genet. 51(8):1252-1262.