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Aguiar-Pulido V, Wolujewicz P, Martinez-Fundichely A, Elhaik E, Thareja G, Aleem AAbdel, Chalhoub N, Cuykendall T, Al-Zamer J, Lei Y et al..  2021.  Systems biology analysis of human genomes points to key pathways conferring spina bifida risk.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 118(51)
Allen M, Huang BS, Notaras MJ, Lodhi A, Barrio-Alonso E, Lituma PJ, Wolujewicz P, Witztum J, Longo F, Chen M et al..  2022.  Spontaneous generation of ASD astrocytes.. Mol Psychiatry. 27(5):2369.
Hardwick SA, Hu W, Joglekar A, Fan L, Collier PG, Foord C, Balacco J, Lanjewar S, Sampson MMcGuirk, Koopmans F et al..  2022.  Single-nuclei isoform RNA sequencing unlocks barcoded exon connectivity in frozen brain tissue.. Nat Biotechnol.
Joglekar A, Hu W, Zhang B, Narykov O, Diekhans M, Marrocco J, Balacco J, Ndhlovu LC, Milner TA, Fedrigo O et al..  2024.  Single-cell long-read sequencing-based mapping reveals specialized splicing patterns in developing and adult mouse and human brain.. Nat Neurosci.
Joglekar A, Hu W, Zhang B, Narykov O, Diekhans M, Balacco J, Ndhlovu LC, Milner TA, Fedrigo O, Jarvis ED et al..  2023.  Single-cell long-read mRNA isoform regulation is pervasive across mammalian brain regions, cell types, and development.. bioRxiv.
Gupta I, Collier PG, Haase B, Mahfouz A, Joglekar A, Floyd T, Koopmans F, Barres B, Smit AB, Sloan SA et al..  2018.  Single-cell isoform RNA sequencing characterizes isoforms in thousands of cerebellar cells.. Nat Biotechnol.
Wolujewicz P, M Ross E.  2019.  The search for genetic determinants of human neural tube defects.. Curr Opin Pediatr. 31(6):739-746.
Wolujewicz P, M Ross E.  2019.  The search for genetic determinants of human neural tube defects.. Curr Opin Pediatr.
Stankovic I, Notaras M, Wolujewicz P, Lu T, Lis R, M Ross E, Colak D.  2024.  Schizophrenia endothelial cells exhibit higher permeability and altered angiogenesis patterns in patient-derived organoids.. Transl Psychiatry. 14(1):53.